Master crisis situations with confidence.
Regional security service Lötschental
Well informed in crisis situations
In Switzerland, the cantons are obliged to set up early warning services to protect people and property from avalanches. In the Lötschental, this task is delegated by the municipalities to the Regional Safety Service (RSD Lötschental) and implemented by the latter.
There are different danger zones: white, yellow, blue and red. In the blue and red zones, an alarm organization and an evacuation plan are required for all buildings. The authorities in the Lötschental have drawn up a corresponding risk-based safety concept and are ready to implement it at any time.
The avalanche danger scale
For our region (Leukerbad / Lötschental), an up-to-date avalanche bulletin is published daily at 17:00 in the winter months, which is updated daily at 08:00 from level 3. The bulletin refers to the following 5 danger levels and can be viewed at www.slf.ch.
Danger levels
Level 5 - very high
Extraordinary avalanche situation. Many very large and extremely large spontaneous avalanches are to be expected. These can reach roads and settlements in the valley.
Level 4 - large
Very critical avalanche situation. Spontaneous and often very large avalanches are likely. Avalanches can easily be triggered on many steep slopes. Remote triggering is typical. Whamming noises and cracks are frequent.
Level 3 - considerable
Critical avalanche situation. Booming noises and cracks are typical. Avalanches can be triggered easily, especially on steep slopes of the exposures and altitudes specified in the avalanche bulletin. Spontaneous avalanches and remote triggering are possible.
Level 2 - moderate
Mostly favorable avalanche situation. Alarm signs may occur sporadically. Avalanches can be triggered mainly on very steep slopes at the exposures and altitudes specified in the avalanche bulletin. Major spontaneous avalanches are not to be expected.
Level 1 - low
Generally favorable avalanche situation. No alarm signs can be detected. Avalanches can only be triggered sporadically, especially on extremely steep slopes.
Effects in the Lötschental
From avalanche danger level 4 (high) and especially from level 5 (very high), there may be effects in the Lauchernalp ski area, the access roads to the hamlets of Fischbiel, Eisten, Fafleralp or Weissenried, the cross-country ski trails, individual side roads and even total closure of the main road between Goppenstein and Blatten.
What you should bear in mind
The instructions of the authorities and the security service must be followed. It is forbidden to stay outside secured areas. If possible, inform neighbors and acquaintances by telephone. Always act calmly and carefully. Any barriers (fixed or mobile) must not be removed or breached. You will receive up-to-date information via notices in all municipalities, the information screens of the cable car or the news app "Gemeinde News" under the selection of the municipality "Regionaler Sicherheitsdienst Lötschental" as well as via the local radio station "Radio Rottu Oberwallis."
Possible evacuations
In extreme situations, evacuations or instructions to stay at home may be ordered and carried out by the authorities. In such cases, you will be contacted and informed on site or by telephone. In the event of an evacuation, please take only the most important items and identification documents with you in a rucksack/bag and follow the instructions of the authorities. If you have any questions, please contact the municipal offices in Ferden, Kippel, Wiler or Blatten or the Tourist Information office in Wiler.
Further information is available at:
Avalanche bulletin SLF: www.slf.ch
Federal Office for Civil Protection alert platform www.alertswiss.swiss
Meteo Switzerland www.meteoschweiz.ch
Zones and hazard map: map.vsgis.ch/loetschental
Natural hazards website of the canton of Valais: www.vs.ch/de/web/plateforme-eau/dangers-naturels