Lötschental visitor's tax

The visitor's tax - more than just a fee

Find out more now about the visitor's tax in the Lötschental, the guest card or the annual guest package.

During your visit to the Lötschental, a visitor's tax is levied, which benefits Lötschental Marketing AG. This tax is used to maintain, improve and renew the tourist facilities in the region in order to make your stay as pleasant as possible. As a thank you for your support, your landlord will give you a personal "Lötschental Card" guest card, which offers you numerous benefits during your stay. Use this card to benefit from free services and attractive discounts and make the most of your time in the Lötschental.

  Adults aged 16 and over Children from 6-16 years Children up to 6 years
Visitor's tax per night CHF 4.80 CHF 2.40 PER NIGHT CHF 0
All-inclusive visitor's tax CHF 144.00 CHF 72.00 CHF 0

You can download all documents relating to the new tourist tax regulations here.

Guest card and visitor's tax briefly explained

Municipality of Ferden

Municipality of Kippel

Municipality of Wiler

Municipality of Blatten

Municipality of Steg-Hohtenn

The annual guest card of the Destination Lötschental is valid from November 1st to October 31st. If you register for an annual guest card, you will automatically receive the invoice for the new year in October. As soon as the invoice has been paid, we will send you the guest card by e-mail.

You can use the registration form to order an annual guest package for you and your family directly.

To the registration form