Feistä Frontag - Tschäggättu Loif
27.02.25 starting at 20:00
Wiler (Lötschen)
The Tschäggättu-Loif is a rustic custom that is deeply rooted in the traditions of the Lötschental. Every year on Feisten Frontag, the Tschäggättä parade through the snow-covered villages wearing wild larvae (wooden masks), animal skins and ringing bells. With their rustic costumes (wooden masks) and the loud clanging of the bells, the Tschäggättä leave a lasting impression on locals and visitors alike and keep the valley's living tradition alive. The start is in Blatten in the parking lot at around 20:00. The Tschäggättä run through all the villages as far as Ferden. The Guggenmusik Wäschgärra will also play a small concert in all four villages of the magical valley.
Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.